2023 Excellence Award in Speech-Language Therapy—NE OH, 2024 Best Speech Therapy Practice NE Ohio

Top Speech Language Pathologists in Youngstown
Andrea R. Moore's Practice has been awarded as a top Speech Language Pathology practice with some of Youngstown's best Speech Language Pathologists.
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Welcome to Beyond Expectations Speech Therapy, LLC, a therapist-owned speech-language therapy practice located in Boardman, Ohio.

Come see what makes us B.E.S.T.

"The possibilities for tomorrow are usually beyond our expectations." -Anonymous

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Fall Updates

The school year has started and we are off to a very busy start! The date has been set for our 4th Annual Trick Nor Treat! It will be Friday, October 16th 4:30-6:30. This is a Halloween Candy-Free Event perfect for children with food allergies, special diets, or whose parents just want Halloween fun without more sugar! Non-food Trick-or-Treating, pumpkin decorating and crafts, Halloween games, "Bunnies in Baskets" (and in costumes!), and Costume Contest. The event is free and open to the community and held at Beyond Expectations SouthBridge Therapy and Learning Center, 725 Boardman-Canfield Rd., E-1 in Boardman. Call (330) 307-7983 for more information. We are also pleased to be adding a new therapist to the B.E.S.T. Team! Donna Hendricks comes to us with 34 years of pediatric experience! Ms. Donna's specialties include articulation, apraxia, language, and fluency disorders. We are so excited to have her!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Summer 2015

Summer is well under way...even if it has yet to feel like summer! Summer therapy spots have been filling up faster than ever! Our Lively Letters Reading With TLC class and Summer Social Skills group are off to a great start. Next week on July 10th, our Summer Art Group for children 5-9 will begin with Ms. Brittany who has her Masters in art therapy. If there is enough interest, a toddler group will also form so let us know if you would like to enroll your child. Also starting on July 10th is the return of the SomeBunny to Read To free summer reading program where children can sign up for 20 minute sessions to read to registered and certified therapy rabbits! You don't want to miss this fantastic program by Bunnies In Baskets! Please feel free to contact me with any questions: (330) 307-7983 or beyondexpectationsspeechtherapy@yahoo.com.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Better Hearing and Speech Month

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month which is right around the corner! We will once again be offering free speech-language screenings for children throughout the month by appointment. Please call (330)307-7983 if you would like to schedule. Space is limited, so don't wait! We are already planning for summer therapy! If you are interested in therapy services for your child during the summer months, contact us. We are so excited to have Ms.Brittany our counselor/art therapist and art teacher back from maternity leave! She is planning children's Summer Art Groups to start up in June! We are currently in search of a pediatric music therapist and a pediatric OT (with strong background in treating sensory processing issues) to be part of our multi-disciplinary team. Flexible schedule! Contact for more information! Follow us on Facebook for speech and language tips throughout May!


Beyond Expectations Speech Therapy is located in the South Bridge Executive Park, 725 Boardman-Canfield Rd. (Rt. 224), E-1, Boardman, OH 44512. It is easiest to reach from the West Blvd. entrance.


By appointment. Evening available.

Contact Us

If you are interested in an evaluation or therapy or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

email: beyondexpectationsspeechtherapy@yahoo.com

phone: (330) 307-7983

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