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Welcome to Beyond Expectations Speech Therapy, LLC, a therapist-owned speech-language therapy practice located in Boardman, Ohio.

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Monday, February 28, 2011

The King's Speech and the Role of Speech-Language Pathologists

Congratulations to the King's Speech for winning four Oscars for Best Original Screenplay, Best Actor in a Leading Role, Best Director, and Best Picture. Not only is it a win for those involved in the movie, but it is also a win for people who stutter to have a lead character in a movie portrayed in a way that humanizes rather than mocks stuttering, and as I will explain, also a victory for speech-language pathologists to be acknowledged for the very important role they have in others' lives. Ironically, the day of the Oscars, I ran into my former speech pathologist who treated me in elementary school. I vividly remember that she was the only person I would cooperate for during my kindergarten screenings--maybe foreshadowing my compatibility with the field down the road. It is great to run into her from time to time. King George and his therapist, Lionel Logue, maintained a relationship the rest of their lives. I often think about past clients of mine who "graduated" from therapy and wonder how they are doing. Every now and then, I will run into a parent in the grocery store and get an update or see a picture of a child in the newspaper grown up several years later. Treating adults who stutter can be very rewarding especially when you see their confidence start to shine through as they become more effective communicators. Children are often thankless not intenionally but because they do not yet realize the impact the services you have provided them will have on their lives. I know I didn't. Had I not corrected my articulation problems at a young age, it is quite possible that I would not have been able to enter the field of speech-language pathology and perform the job I love doing today. A movie like the King's Speech reminds those of us in the field that even if those we treat are not royalty, the impact on lives is far-reaching. Another irony, twenty-five years later after being treated, I now work one day a week through a contract in that same therapy room that my former therapist worked with me. She said, "It comes around full circle." It certainly does.

If you or someone you know has been helped by a speech-language pathologist, I encourage you to share your story on the Beyond Expectations Speech Therapy Facebook page.

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Beyond Expectations Speech Therapy is located in the South Bridge Executive Park, 725 Boardman-Canfield Rd. (Rt. 224), E-1, Boardman, OH 44512. It is easiest to reach from the West Blvd. entrance.


By appointment. Evening available.

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email: beyondexpectationsspeechtherapy@yahoo.com

phone: (330) 307-7983

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